Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Strawberry Thief!

Our plants are growing so fast! We are starting to see a lot of strawberries. On Tuesday, we saw our first big red strawberry. But when we went back later to have a look, it was gone! 

Our strawberries growing
The broken stalk where
the strawberry was stolen!
Here are stories about the strawberry thief written by Osama, Eli and Hayzel. Eli and Osama think the new kittens will keep the strawberry thief away! This is Osama's first video!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Special Visitors!

We really wanted the new school kittens to come and visit our class. So we decided to write letters to convince Mrs Compston to let the kittens come to A4. Here is Loveday's letter. Can you hear Loveday using a persuasive voice?

Here are some photos of the kittens in A4.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tofa Soifua Nanas!

Today was Nana's last day at Papatoetoe East School. She is flying back to Room 8 in Springston, Christchurch tomorrow. So A3 and A4 decided to have a farewell party for Nanas. Here is a video of the party!

Here are some stories that Alofa, Rani and Sen Nay Pow wrote about Nanas leaving.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Enjoying Our Garden

We have been enjoying these warm, sunny afternoons. Today some of the children spent some time in our garden. Look at how much it has grown in just over a month!

We watered the plants

We tasted some spinach
We tried some lettuce

More tasting...
We gave Stu some
And of course Chester
 got some too!

Hello Osama!

Osama has just started in Room A4. He turned 5 in March and has come to Papatoetoe East from another school. He enjoys building with the mathematics equipment.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nana's night at Hayzel's house

Nanas went to Hayzel's house for the night! He had so much fun and Hayzel wrote a story in Nana's book about what they got up to!

If you want to know what Wally has been doing in Christchurch with Room 8, click on the link on the right-hand side of this blog. Their blog is called Springston Explorers.

Skype No.2!

 We skyped with the Springston Explorers again on Monday morning. Wally is having a great time. Room 8 sang us a fantastic song and we got to ask each other more questions. Check out this video.

After we skyped, some of the children decided to write stories in Nana's special book.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One Fine Day

Here is a video of our museum trip on Wednesday, the 17th of November. A big thank you to the parents and caregivers that came along to help with supervision.

Amazing Apes!

After the arrival of Nanas, we decided we wanted to know more about apes. The Ladybugs reading group have read books about chimpanzees and orangutans. Here is a video of the Ladybugs sharing what they learnt.

Do you know any facts about chimpanzees or orangutans that would like to share? Please leave a comment, we would love to know more.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joshua's name suggestions

Joshua is getting very good at writing stories all by himself! He was very determined to record his story and share it on the blog. Well done Joshua, we are very proud of you!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Auckland Museum

On Wednesday, we went to the museum and Nanas came too. It was a very hot day and when we got back to school we were exhausted. But Sharon decided to write a story about her day!

Nanas on the bus
Nanas looking at dinosaur bones

Watch this space for more museum pictures!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Feline Frenzy

The kittens have arrived at Papatoetoe East! Aren't they cute? They are sisters. We went to visit them today. They are living next to Mrs Compston's office.

Here are some stories about the kittens by Eli, Mihi, Theodore and Ayush. 

What do you think their names should be? Leave us a comment.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Springston Skype!

Then we saw Wally with Room 8
and they could see Nanas with us
A3 and A4 skyped the Springston Explorers today and we saw Wally!

We waited for the
phone to ring

We asked Room 8
some questions...
and they asked us
questions too.

We have not skyped with another school before and it was very exciting. We were worried that Wally might have been in an earthquake, but he was fine. Room 8 were holding Wally very carefully and we could see that Wally was having a great time.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Happened Next?

Did you see this picture in the NZ Herald this week? We couldn't stop talking about what happened to the baby elephant.

Sharon and Maleeha wrote stories about what they thought happened next.

What do you think might have happened? Leave a comment.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nanas has landed!

Nanas arrived from Christchurch this morning along with letters from his class.

The package arrives
Nanas is revealed!
Nanas meets Stu
Nanas checks out A4

We decided to write letters to Nanas to introduce ourselves. Here is a video of Amy, Eli and Hayden reading their letters.

Welcome to A4 Avish

Avish is the newest member of A4.
Avish loves to play outside on the slide. He has a brother in Year 4 named Ayush.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wally's Vacation

Today Wally is going to Christchurch!! He is going to visit our blogging buddies The Springston Explorers. They are also sending A3 and A4 a package and we can't wait to see what is in it! We wrote a lot of letters today and sent them with Wally. 

Wally getting ready

Wally in his package

Eli looking at the Springston
Explorers blog

Loveday posting her letter


Here is a video of some of the letters we wrote to the Springston Explorers.

If you want to look at the Springston Explorers blog, click on the link below:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spring Garden Update

We have been very busy in our new garden. We have planted beans, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, corn, lettuce and marigolds to keep the insects away. If you have time, come down to
A4 and have a closer look.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saal Mubarak

Diwali is the Indian Festival of Lights that marks the beginning of the Indian new year. To celebrate Diwali, we created rangoli patterns and made coconut barfi.

Rani was very excited about Diwali. Here she is talking about her experience.

Do you have a Diwali experience you would like to share? Leave us a comment.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Firework Safety

Tonight it is Guy Fawkes Night! Yesterday, A4 wrote stories about being safe around fireworks and we came up with some important safety rules.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What is it?

On Monday, the Frogs reading group read a book called Tails and Claws. It is a puzzle story. So the Frogs had a go at making their own puzzle stories. Can you guess their animal?