Sunday, November 14, 2010

Springston Skype!

Then we saw Wally with Room 8
and they could see Nanas with us
A3 and A4 skyped the Springston Explorers today and we saw Wally!

We waited for the
phone to ring

We asked Room 8
some questions...
and they asked us
questions too.

We have not skyped with another school before and it was very exciting. We were worried that Wally might have been in an earthquake, but he was fine. Room 8 were holding Wally very carefully and we could see that Wally was having a great time.


  1. Congratulations A3 and A4. Now you can tell us all how Wally is in Christchurch. I hope that he is not too homesick and that he has someone to give him a cuddle at home time.Please tell him that he is missed but that we want him to have a great holiday
    love Mrs Compston

  2. It was amazing to see another class on the big TV. We had so many questions. What a great way to connect with other learners.

  3. We will miss you Wally, are you having fun there?

  4. Hi A4
    It was really good to see you guys on the television! I miss you a lot. I have been having so much fun in the country with Room 8, the air is so fresh and there are lots of farm animals everywhere. I have never seen farm animals in real life before! I hope Stu is being good.

    Love from Wally

  5. Wow, Wally is getting very good at story writing in Christchurch! It was great to see him and it looks like he is having lots of fun. I heard that he has even been for a ride on a lamb! I wonder what other adventures he is having?
    Miss Mac

  6. Hi, I am a student from The University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange EDM310 class. I love your blog and think that you are doing a great job. I hope Wally has a great time and will come back soon.
