Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wally's Vacation

Today Wally is going to Christchurch!! He is going to visit our blogging buddies The Springston Explorers. They are also sending A3 and A4 a package and we can't wait to see what is in it! We wrote a lot of letters today and sent them with Wally. 

Wally getting ready

Wally in his package

Eli looking at the Springston
Explorers blog

Loveday posting her letter


Here is a video of some of the letters we wrote to the Springston Explorers.

If you want to look at the Springston Explorers blog, click on the link below:


  1. I think I am happy that Nanas is coming to Pap East.

  2. I am excited because I can't wait for him to come.

  3. I am very excited because we are getting a new friend.

  4. I am happy Nanas is coming to our class.

  5. We are getting a new pet.

  6. Will Nanas like our pet Gloria?

  7. Hi A4, we can't wait to met Nana's either! We hope he gets here in time to come to the museum with us! Do you think he will like our School?

  8. How exciting for Wally. I hope you sent a coat with him because it can get very cold in Christchurch.

  9. We hope Wally arrives today!
    We are very excited to meet him.
    We hope Nanas makes it in time to see the museum! He would learn so much there!

  10. We hope Wally has fun during his trip to Christchurch. What wonderful letters you wrote! Your video is fantastic. We'll be following his adventures!

    Mrs. S and the Kind Kids

  11. I liKe Hemakshi's story because she is a good story writer.

  12. I met Nanas yesterday and he has the biggest smile ever so I know he is happy in A3 and A4.

  13. you read your story very clearly.
