Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saal Mubarak

Diwali is the Indian Festival of Lights that marks the beginning of the Indian new year. To celebrate Diwali, we created rangoli patterns and made coconut barfi.

Rani was very excited about Diwali. Here she is talking about her experience.

Do you have a Diwali experience you would like to share? Leave us a comment.


  1. Hi Rani
    Thanks for sharing your experiences about Diwali, I learnt a lot. You are an expert at making barfi you must have made it at home lots of times. I saw your barfi in the fridge at school and I wanted to sneak a piece but Miss Lepou was watching. . . .

  2. What a great day you must have had A4, I really liked your rangoli patterns.
    Rani how cool are you! Can you please show me how to make barfi next time I visit.

  3. I had fun at Diwali. We had guy fawkes. All of the guy fawkes made loud noises.

  4. I did fireworks for Diwali.

  5. When it was Diwali, I did some prayers. When Diwali was finished I did fireworks.

  6. Hi A4. It was fun making rangoli patterns and Barfi. Some of the children in A3 let off fireworks in the weekend for Diwali and they said they had heaps of fun. Miss Mac.

  7. We loved your Rangoli patterns! Rani looks like she is an expert at making barfi!

    Happy Diwali!

    Ms Nola

  8. Hi, I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed the video your class made of the Rangoli patterns. Rani seems very excited about Diwali.

  9. hi rani and to all the A4 kids i really enjoyed watching the video of uz all making barfi and rani you got talent hope to alofa can come with a recipe hehe. that looked yum and fun to do.
    enjoy your day A4

