Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Rabbit who got his Wires Crossed!

You guessed it! Stu has been up to more mischief. He has been eating A3 and A4's telephone wire. We were very worried about what our principal would say when he found out. So we wrote letters to Mr Gilbert and made a video. Sorry Mr Gilbert.


  1. I liked that video because I was so looking forward to seeing it.

  2. Stu is a naughty boy because he bit the telephone wire.

  3. That was very naughty of Stu. He has been going back to the place where the phone wire was and looking for more of it to chew! Be we have learned our lesson and now it is up too high for him to reach.

    Miss Mac

  4. Dear A3 and A4 I am pleased that you are watching Stu very carefully.When I growled at him with my cross face I am sure that he was listening to me.I told him that he was mean to pick on poor Chester who is such a good hairy pet.
    I think that Stu is a real tricky pet so keep your eyes on him won't you
    love Mrs Compston

  5. Hi A4
    We enjoyed the video about Stu, it is cool. Stu is very naughty but please don't call the police because they might take him to jail. We would miss Stu because we love him.
    From A1 children

  6. Hi Mrs Compston and Mrs Mulrennan
    Thank you for your comments. We are very glad that you didn't come and take Stu to the dentist Mrs Compston. Don't worry A1, we will not take Stu to the police because we love him too.

  7. Hello A4!
    Don't be too hard on Stu!
    He's just doing what rabbits do!
    I loved your story about Stu and the music was just right (very clever). Hopefully Stu has learnt his lesson and will behave himself now. Great detective work A4 - and fantastic writing too. Keep having fun! :)
    From Prep K and Mrs Kennedy.

  8. I warned you about that sneaky rabbit! What will he do to your garden when you are not watching!!!

  9. Good morning A4

    I am unhappy with Stu and will be thinking hard about what to do with a wire eating naughty rabbit....Maybe 'time out' in my office for two days.. I will come and see your class today or tomorrow.

    From Mr Gilbert

  10. Hmmmmm. He developed his taste for wires at our house when he munched on the laptop power cord! Stu better be careful or he could end up as Kentucky Fried Rabbit!! Shocking!!

  11. Oh dear, naughty Stu! When Peanut was in my classroom last year, he would always eat the computer wires, he even ate my keyboard wire.
    I'm glad to hear you have put the wire up high and out of his reach.

    Ms Cossey

  12. Hi Room A4,

    We liked watching your movie. We have mixed feeling around whether Stu should go to the Police. He looks a very cute bunny rabbit.

    From Room 3 PBS

  13. Hello A4, Flynn says Wow,I didn't know Stu was that naughty. I think we should send him my Dad's office for timeout!! Rory says I think Stu is really naughty, we should take him to jail. Sheryl says I like rabbit stew, I mean Stu the Rabbit. Love from Mr Gilberts Family

  14. Dear Stu,

    I am sorry to hear that you are in so much trouble. You are welcome to come and stay at the school office and look for phone cords.

    The Office ladies

  15. Dear Stu
    Peanut asked me to tell you that he is coming back to school today from camp. Although he liked the camp food and the obstacle course he wasn't haapy in the kayak as his feet got wet. He is not happy with you and the wire eating incident and will speak to you about this next week.
    from Mrs Compston

  16. Hello Loveday
    Well Stu seems to be having lots of adventures. It was lucky he didn't do too much damage at your place. You will be able to have him to stay next holidays.
    Aunty Jacky

  17. Hi A1
    Sorry we haven't answered your question, we have had a very busy morning. Stu has changed colour because he is moulting! This means that he has lost a lot of his fur that he had to keep him warm for winter. Now he has his summer coat on!

  18. Hi A4
    Thank you for your answer we like Stu's summer coat we think he looks cool. Stu has been really good he hasn't eaten any wires.
    From A1

  19. That was not nice of Stu.I hope he dosent bite the telephone wire again or Stu will be in big trouble.

  20. I can't believe that Stu would do that and blame Chester for it! If he needs to come and sit on our thinking spot that would be just fine with C2!

  21. Dear A4

    I am reading your blog tonight and can not believe the trouble that Stu has got himself into. Peanut would never do such a thing - he much prefers network cable and photocopier chords to telephone ones.

    Peanut had a great week at camp but decided that kayaking wasn't for him. He had lots of trouble holding the paddles with his short little arms. I am sure that Peanut will have a word to Stu in the next couple of days

    Miss Capstick
