Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What is it?

Hi A4, I hope you are having a good holiday. I went into school today and look at what I saw next to our classroom! I wonder what is being built?


  1. I think it is a mud pie factory! You and your students can make mud pies to eat and sell. (Or maybe it is a garden where you can plant things?)

  2. A gazeebo for Stu?? On that note, thought I would bring him back Monday afternoon if thats O.K?? Need Mum's car and might be a bit rushed in the morning!! have lots of holiday snaps and vids. will bring them on a flashdrive.

  3. Hi Mr C
    It would be so fun to have a mud pie factory! But I don't think we would eat them.

  4. Hi Rachael
    Monday afternoon is fine. Whatever suits you. We can't wait to see your pics and vids. I bet Stu will be very sad to say goodbye when you drop him off.

  5. Hi A4
    I saw those things outside your classroom too. At first I thought it might be a swimming pool, but it's too small. Then I thought it might be a place for Stu and Chester, but there's no fence so they would run away. So it's a mystery! If you can guess what it is let me know on Monday.

  6. Hey is that a watering can?

  7. We have just seen the new things outside we think they are flower boxes or strawberry boxes.
