Thursday, October 21, 2010

Snail Art

This week, we completed our snail art. We used pastels on black paper because snails are nocturnal. Our pictures had to include a snail's shell, foot, tentacles and eyes and as you can see, we have labelled these body parts.


  1. Fantastic art work A4! I love the way you have labelled your pictures just like real scientists. My Preps have just fininshed creating animals in their habitats - I hope you can visit our blog and see them (I haven't posted them yet). What wonderful learning you are doing. What is the most interesting fact you have learnt about snails?
    From Prep K and Mrs Kennedy

  2. What great snail art! Isn't it funny that it only has one big foot.
    Our class is learning about Little Critters this term too.

  3. Your snails look great A4! I was very impressed with how you wrote the labels and stuck them on the snails all by yourselves.

    Miss Lepou

  4. Hi A4,
    We liked the music on your slide show. The pictures were pretty and amzaing.

    From A3

  5. The music Was cool.

  6. Hi Room A4,

    We liked your snail art work.This term we have been making paper flowers. You will see these on our blog soon.

    From Room 3 Panmure Bridge School

  7. Great pictures I like the colours you used, they look better than real snails.

  8. I loved the video! The pictures and the song go perfect together! You all did such a good job on the pictures! Keep up the good work!

    Erin Tillman
    University of South Alabama
    Dr. Strange's EDM 310 Class
