Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wiggly Worms

This is a non-fiction story by Theodore about worms.

Here is a picture of Hemakshi, Theodore and Makaveli working together to record their worm stories. 


  1. Well done Hemakshi, Makaveli and Theodore! You did a great job recording your videos together. You learnt that when somebody is recording their story, it is very important to stay quiet.

    I really enjoyed your story Theodore, it is tricky writing a non-fiction story based on facts only.

  2. Theodore - I really enjoyed your non fiction report about worms. Well done! We have a worm farm at our have just reminded me to check that they are all okay after our holiday. I will take them some vegetable scraps tomorrow morning :)

  3. Hi, Theodore! I enjoyed your story about worms. Can you remember what else they eat? Hemakshi and Makaveli I think you did a great job of helping Theodore to record his story.
    Miss Mac

  4. Wow, I am impressed. I am a teacher of a year one class near Hamilton. I enjoyed your information about worms. Our class is learning about animals, so I am going to share your video with the class. Thank you.

  5. How impressive recording your own stories, good on you.
    Good story Theodore, I didn't know that worms ate flowers.

  6. I liked your story Theodore.

  7. Theodore the story was cool.
